we spoke to Joe Camp about his new book The Soul of the Horse (Life Lessons from the Herd). He is the trainer, writer, and director of the lovable scruffy dog Benji and the Benji movies. Joe has also written a few books one called The Naked Horse and others. Information about them can be found on his website: thesoulofahorse.com/

Joe is a great guy and was a fun interview with insights from our own resident horse expert and producer Joanne.

We also caught up with what is new with Benji. You can find out more by listening to the interview and keep up with Benji and his latest adventures at his website: www.benji.com/

In the first hour we spoke to Dennis Fett from the Peacock Information Center. For everything peacock visit his websitehttp://www.peafowl.com . It was a very fun interview with Dennis… check it out. (Original Airdate 5-24-08)


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